Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Little Bit of This and That

I cannot believe it has been over a month since I have posted! Shame on me!! I have been pretty busy doing some Spring cleaning and tons of yard work. The only thing left to do is to wash all of the windows in the house. The yard looks pretty good and is almost finished. We have mulched around all of the perennial beds and all of the flowers seem to be doing great so far. We had had some goofy weather here...from 90's to mid 40's and a lot of rain. This weather sure has been going up and down!! I am glad the 90's have not stuck around just yet, we need to open the pool for that! LOL! I still need to plant some annuals and rake a small area of pine needles and then the yard will be complete. 

We planted our garden...some cukes, zuchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, sugar snap peas, sweet onions, strawberries, green beans, pumpkin and a few herbs. Cannot wait for some juicy garden tomatoes!!

The next couple pf days are supposed to be nice so hubby decided that we are packing up and taking a little camping trip!! We are leaving in the morning for some much needed R & R!! I cannot wait. Hubby has been working so much lately....he needs a break!

I of course have also been taking some more pictures with my camera of my feathered friends here. We've had a few Rose Breasted Grosbeaks that visited for about a week. I love when they visit, they are beautiful! 

Once back from our little trip I have a couple hand mades in the works that I need to finish and will be listing along with some Spring cleaning sale items. I hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. Sounds like your a very busy gal!
    Love your pics!
    Prim Blessings

  2. I hope you have fun camping. I love to camp, think it is more relaxing and fun.


  3. Thank you everyone!! We had a great camping trip, wish it lasted a little longer though :)
