Thursday, January 12, 2012

Winter has arrived.....

Winter is finally here!! It has been snowing on and off all day here and we received about 4" so far with a chance for about 3 more inches. It is very windy and supposed to get below 0 with the wind chill....brrrrrr!! I love seeing the snow fall...reminds me of a snow globe but hate having to leave the house and drive in it!! I am so happy I have tomorrow off of work and can work on a few creations :)

Two days ago, Hubby and I made a kitty shelter outside under our pool deck for the strays outside. We sectioned off an area and put up some black landscape cloth and then went around and hung plastic to make a tent like house for them. We then put up some plywood to help block the wind even more. It is blocked from the wind really good! We have a medium size dog house, a house made from a plastic tote and a tote that is laid on its side all filled with a ton of straw. The whole area has about 2 feet of straw in it along with water and food. We feed 4 stays...Scruffy, he is white and grey (I think he is the oldest), Whitey....he is all white with golden eyes. He is starting to come around and actually let me pet him for just a second. The other day when I fed him he walked about a foot away from me and started rolling around on the ground and then got up and walked away...I think he was saying "thank you for the food!" Then we have two new comers....Half and Half....he is dark gray and white and Little One...he is about one to two years old and is the youngest. He is also grey and white. Whitey and Half and Half don't seem to be as afraid of people like the other two and I just hope they were not someones cat and they let them out to fend for themselves. That just breaks my heart!! I worry about them all as if they were my kids and am trying to help them survive the best I can, especially in this colder weather!! I have two indoor cats and cannot bring in anymore. My female is very territorial and it took 4 months for her and my male to get along! They are both rescues and I wish I could rescue them all and do more for them!!


  1. We're hoping to get some snow here in northern Idaho starting Sunday, I think, and lasting through the first part of the week. I'll believe it when I see it; it's been a very dry winter so far.

    Good for you for setting up an area for the stray kitties; it always breaks my heart to see one out in the cold.


  2. We are getting snow as I type,the winds are blowing pretty good too.It was wonderful of you and your hubby to fix a place for the stray kitties!Big hugs,Jen

  3. It is so hard when it gets cold and there are strays in the area. I found one last year and he adopted me, was wild at first, but once he decided to come in and stay, he is a sweetie and has no desire to go back out.


  4. Its great what you're doing for that cats
    I think they are going to be ok thanks to you
    Have a nice day

  5. Beautiful capture of Mother Nature~
    here cold, blowing expecting only 1to 3 inches a change, but I am ready for it tired of rain, rain & too warm for January~( even if I complain if it gets in the teens, giggles)

  6. Lottie, what a beautiful snow picture!!! If we had stray kitties I would be making a shelter for them too! One of my kitties was a stray. He's sitting on my lap right now as I type this. He has gotten along very well with my other 3 cats from day one.

    Oh by the way, I love all your goodies you have listed on eBay right now!!

