Saturday, February 25, 2012

I Took the Plunge!!

I just could not stop my self.... All of this talk about it....I just had to join...the pinning frenzy, lol! I am now on Pinterest and have been pinning away! If you would like to see my pins, just click on the button on my left top side bar. I would also love to see your pins too so just leave me a comment or email me and let me know your pinterest web address or name and I will find you :)

I have also opened up an Etsy shop!! I am really getting on the ball, lol! You can find my shop on my right side bar. I really do not know what I am doing there but I am slowly learning! I would also love to see your shops too so please fill me in :)

Enjoy the evening!!


  1. I would love to look at your pin boards, I too have only just taken up the pinning craze, it is helping me to plan some things for our renovation coming up...I also make prims for my website and I have made a board of purely my can find it here..
    I will pop in and look at your pins...x Suzanne, Australia.....

  2. Congratulations on your newest adventures. Have fun with it.
    I haven't done the pinterest plunge yet ~ but it's on my list!
    Prim Blessings

  3. OH that pinning is addictive!! You can find a follow me button on my blog! Have fun! Katie

  4. I so need help. Im almost embasrrased to ask this. I cannot figure out how to get pinterest on my blog? I cant even get signed up for it. Do you have to go through facebook to get signed up? Thxs for any help you could offer.

  5. Thank you Suzanne! I just started following your boards :)

    Thanks will love it!

    It sure is Katie!! I will be sure to check out your pins :)

    Hi Dawn! Don't be embarrassed! You do have to sign up through facebook or twitter. Once you are signed up there is a help section that will give you the code to add the Pinterest button to your blog or website. Hope that helps:)
