just listed on Ebay for 3 day auctions. I will also be working on a new pattern or two and should have them ready by next weekend. We had a busy weekend. We went to a Count Fair on Saturday with our niece, her fiance and our nephew....it was great time. We had some corn dogs, ice cream, went on some rides and of course spent time with all of the farm animals! You can't beat the country!! Wish I had my camera...but I forgot it:( Then after that we visited my sister and her husband until midnight.
Here is a peek at my Ebay offerings. I will be back in a few days!
set just listed on Ebay. Wow, I am so happy to have finished this set and got it listed for a 5 day auction. I think I will take a break for a day or two, lol. To view my auction, just click the link above.
Thanks for stopping by....have to get some sleep now!
I hope you all had a wonderful relaxing weekend! It sure feels like Fall here....if only we could have Fall weather and then Winter for just 2 weeks, then Spring. I know....don't tell me....... I have already pinched myself out of that dream! Anywho, I have been working my tail off and just listed some new wooden prims on Ebay. They are listed for 3 day auctions. I am working on a larger Harvest set and should have it done either tomorrow or Tuesday. I think you will like it:)
TGIT!!!! I know it is late....been a long day for me and I am exhausted...but I just wanted to let you know I have some awesome antiques & prims for sale on my Picture Trail website so if you get a chance stop on by!Here is a pic of my offerings for sale.
I will be working on more items for Ebay this weekend and maybe even a pattern:) Take care!
just listed on Ebay! I planned on finishing a few more items for this week but things did not go as planned this weekend....too much fun enjoying the outdoors!
I did manage to finish a Harvest mouse in an antique childs shoe and a prim black cupboard doll ornie. To view my auctions, just click on the "My Ebay" link on the top left side bar.
just listed on Ebay Here is a peek at them. To view my auctions, just click on the link above. The first doll is harvest make do doll made with a Pineberry Lane pattern. The second is a stump witch doll made with my own pattern.
I hope to get more creations done to list over the weekend. Take care!
Well, our Fall - like weather disappeared this past weekend....it was sooooo hot! We enjoyed the pool, finally! I think the last time we were in it was in June. But, I would rather have weather in the 70's every day!!
I wanted to share my new listing with all of you..... an extreme primitive black scarecrow with corn and a pesty crow on Ebay. He is made from a Blue Moon Beginnings pattern and is so prim!!! He is listed for 3 days.
Here is a peek of him. If you want to see more click on the link above!
I hope to list more items in a day or two!!!I love making Fall/Harvest items.Take care!!!
This sweet fella is my new offering on Ebay. He was made from a Blue Moon Beginnings pattern. Isn't he just so prim? I have lots to get done around here and more sewing to do. Hope you have a great evening!